14th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy

Green EARSeL

With around 250-350 attendees, the 14th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy is a medium-scale event, and its environmental impact is expected to be moderate. Nevertheless, we can try to minimize our footprint with regard to travel to and within the Helsinki region, accommodation, catering, venue, information media, badges, signage, printed programs, welcome bags, and other items or activities related to this workshop.  

Minimizing Carbon Footprint at Our Scientific Congress! 

We strongly encourage all attendees to help reduce the environmental impact of their participation by considering the following: 

Sustainable Transportation 
  • Public Transport: The Helsinki region has a great public transportation network consisting of buses, metros, boats, and trams that provide convenient and environmentally friendly travel alternatives. You can find the journey planner here. The conference venues can easily be reached with public transport. 
  • Cycling and walking are ideal transportation options to explore the city and help reduce emissions. The public transport system includes bicycles that can be used in the city. 
  • Car: If you can’t avoid travelling by car, consider offering a lift. 
  • Coffee and tea at the workshop will be served in reusable cups; however, we encourage participants to bring their own multi-use coffee mugs for their coffee(s) to go. 
  • To benefit from existing infrastructure, avoid resource-intensive transportation, and finally reduce participation fees, we will make use of local campus caterers for lunch and coffee breaks. Food served at the venue will mainly be vegetarian. 
Workshop material 
  • To reduce paper waste, we provide most programs and resources through digital materials rather than print. 
  • There will be no welcome gift bags. 
Waste minimization 

This can be achieved by using reusable materials. We strive to reduce single-use items and promote the use of reusable or recyclable materials throughout the event. In order to reduce paper waste, we provide digital programs and resources instead of printed materials. We are committed to energy conservation and use green energy sources whenever possible.  

Individual Commitments 

Our aim is to encourage innovative scientific discussions while being aware of our environmental impact. Together, let’s take small steps towards sustainability to ensure a greener future. We invite all attendees to embrace these principles and help us create a shared culture of environmental responsibility. Our goal is to make our scientific congress a shining example of environmental awareness. Thank you for your cooperation in making our event eco-friendly and meaningful! 

Carbon Neutral Aalto 2030

Aalto University is committed to reducing its climate emissions in all operational areas with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality by 2030. Read more here.


We warmly welcome feedback and suggestions on how we can further improve and reduce the environmental impact of our events (secretariat@earsel.org).