Guidelines for contributors

Language of the Workshop:

The official language of the Workshop is English.



Abstracts shall be submitted via the online conference registration system ConfTool before 20 September 2018.
Each abstract must include title, all authors, five key words and the main text (max. 500 words, no figures allowed) and must be submitted to one of the topics.
Text is directly filled into the abstract submission form, no pdf or word document is required.


Full papers:

The Workshop proceedings with full papers wont be prepared, but we would like to encourage participants to make use of following options to publish full papers:

  • Full papers may be submitted for peer review to a special Workshop issue in MDPI Remote Sensing (IF=3.406).
    The scientific committee will select 15 most outstanding contributions that will be encouraged to develop their poster/presentation to a full paper. These authors will be awarded with 33% discount on article processing charges.
  • Short conference papers (max. 5 pages long, no peer review) may be submitted via the online conference registration system ConfTool and they will be made available on the Workshop website.
    Please, use the template provided here [coming soon] to prepare your conference paper. Papers must be submitted before 15 March 2019.


Presentations will be maximum 20 minutes long, including 3-4 minutes for discussion and changeover to the next speaker (your presentation should not be longer than 17 min). Keynote presentations will be maximum 35 minutes long, including 5 minutes for discussion and changeover to the next speaker. MS PowerPoint or PDF formats are preferred. Personal laptops cannot be used to give your presentation, all presentations must be uploaded before each session onto a conference computer.



If your abstract was selected as a poster presentation, portrait A0 (max. 841 x 1189 mm) is preferred format. It is recommended putting up your poster as soon as possible as the posters will be on display during the whole Workshop. Posters will be presented during the dedicated poster sessions.

In order to increase the visibility of poster presentations, you can submit your poster in a pdf format and those will be displayed in an online poster galleria on the Workshop website (more information coming soon).


Invited sessions:

We encourage scientists to submit proposals for invited special sessions before 10 August 2018. The proposal shall be submitted by e-mail to

Each proposal should include:

  • Chair and Co-Chair names, institutional affiliations and contact information
  • Session title
  • Brief description of session with keywords
  • A short abstract (with at least 500 words)
  • List of potential invitees with their attendance approval and tentative presentation title (5-8 invitees)

The following topics have been designed as special interest for this Workshop:

  • Big data, machine learning methods in imaging spectroscopy
  • Fusion of imaging spectroscopy data with other data sources (LiDAR, SAR, thermal)
  • Exploring new signals, e.g., chlorophyll fluorescence, mid infrared and thermal emission
  • Spectroscopy in assessment of ecosystem processes and functions