PRISMA toolbox

Tutors: Luigi Agrimano & Francesca Santoro
Time: 2 hours
Tutorial description: This tutorial will focus on the usage of the PRISMA Toolbox. This standalone desktop application is meant for quick and smart navigation and interpretation of PRISMA Mission’s products from the Italian Space Agency. It provides a one-click access to image data and meta-data: prepares and displays the RGB quick-look image, highlights the main product’s features, enables meta-data browsing + plotting and navigation of the hyperspectral features.
Further, PRISMA Toolbox includes post-processing capabilities and integrates a python interpreter able to run code on the product’s datasets (function now in beta version).
The proposed tutorial will consist of an introduction to the toolbox’s functionalities and a guided hands-on, where the following topics will be addressed:
- Short introduction on PRISMA mission data and products
- Toolbox as a visual tool for exploring hierarchical and generic data files (HDF5, HDF-EOS, TIFF, JPEG): navigability of the product tree, plotting metadata, preview and real-time exploration of dataset image
- Dedicated section of the tool (PRISMA HDF) tailored to PRISMA product format: product overview, full hyperspectral cube exploration, band preview, spectral signatures, RGB, PAN, and single bands export as geotiff/ jpg/ h5 files
- Overview of the data handling functions: histogram and image equalization, OpenCL filters demonstration, coordinate conversions, co-registered data navigation
- User interface for Python programming and API No prior knowledge is needed; prior installation of the toolbox and local availability of PRISMA sample products (L1, L2B, L2C and/or L2D) will help.
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Presenters information
Luigi Agrimano graduated in electronic engineering at the Politecnico di Bari and has been working in Remote Sensing since 2002. He has a Technical Manager role in Planetek’s SpaceStream Business Unit and is responsible for project management and technical coordination of the design and development activities. He matured a great experience in satellite data processing (SAR, optical MS, and HSI) in the frame of Italian (CSK, CSG, PRISMA, PLATiNO), European (ENVISAT ASAR, TRUTHS, CHIME currently), and Korean (KOMPSAT-5) missions. He worked for the design and development of Payload Data Ground Segments components and currently is the Project Manager for activities involving Planetek in Cosmo Second Generation and PRISMA Operations.
Francesca Santoro retained a solid scientific and technical background in the field of Earth Observation, matured over the last seven years being involved as an EO data scientist at Planetek in the Spacestream Unit, after graduating with a Master’s Degree in Applied Physics. She has experience with multispectral and hyperspectral optical high-resolution image processing, combined with the development of industrial applications of remote sensing to produce EO added-value products. She acquired competencies in different fields, ranging from basic pre-processing to advanced image analysis methodologies. She has also been actively involved in developing the ground-segment processor and Cal/Val activities in the frame of ASI’s EO hyperspectral PRISMA mission. She is currently involved in the design of the L2 processors of PLATiNO’s optical missions.