Submit Abstract

Abstracts shall be submitted via the online conference system ConfTool between 1st September to 6th November 2023.

Step 1: You create your user account without payment, or you re-use your former user account from another EARSeL event. Then you can proceed with the abstract submission.

Following the reviewing phase, go to: 

Step 2 (not yet possible): Complete your registration as a participant, which forms an order liable to pay costs. Following registration, your personal invoice is available for download and printing.

During the abstract submission process, you will be asked to select the preferred special session (in case you were invited by the session chair) or a regular session. Then the presentation format needs to be chosen, and all authors, titles, and at least one keyword (up to five keywords possible) must be entered. The abstract text is to be directly filled into the abstract template. The filled template needs to be uploaded.

PhD and MSc students (younger than 32 years) can indicate if they would like to participate in the Young Scientist Award

We are looking forward to your abstracts! Please be aware that the number of submissions is limited to two (2) per submitting author.